Malaria Has Arrived

Published: July 10, 2023

The United States Border is wide open and Malaria has arrived.

Get your bug spray ready. In the last week of June 2023, the United States Centers for Disease Control issued a Laboratory Advisory – warning of local malaria cases. These “local Cases” identified during the early summer months of May and June in Texas and Florida.

Malaria is a parasitic mosquito-borne disease that can give the human victim a lifetime of painful flu like symptoms, chills, body aches and fever. Malaria is primarily a tropical third world disease that was eradicated from the United States in the early 1950s.

Luckily, there were only a small number of local malaria cases that sparked the CDC advisory, but this could be an early peek at what is coming. The CDC says that the US experiences about 2000 cases of malaria per year from travelers and immigrants.

However, with MILLIONS of illegal aliens and “migrants” currently invading the US, it is safe to expect a much higher number of cases to appear in the near future.

Where Should We Watch out for Outbreaks?

This map was published by the National Library of Medicine in the mid 1900s and shows where malaria had been present in the United States.

What Else Could Go Wrong?

Additional third world mosquito borne diseases include Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, Chikungunya Virus and the dreaded Dengue Virus.

It would be a leftist dream of international wokeness and global equity for the US to be stricken with outbreaks of third world pestilences. As the border remains open these diseases should be expected. Malaria has arrived, but what else is next?

We will just have to watch and see.