Is Kevin McCarthy a RINO? Kevin Needs to be Watched and We will See.

Published: March 01, 2023
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R) CA- Bakersfield

Is Kevin McCarthy a RINO or has he now decided to step up and stand for the traditional American principles that drove voters to elect republicans into the majority?

The 118th US House of Representatives opened with a bit of drama. Kevin McCarthy (R) replaced Nancy Pelosi (D) as Speaker of the House, but only after several contested votes by fellow republicans. While many people believe that this was a very positive change, McCarthy has been slippery in the recent past, and is much more of a Uni-party RINO than a MAGA populist. His deliberations, with Liz Chaney of all people, to ask President Trump to resign after the Jan 6th Fiasco must be remembered. It appears that he wasn’t lying about what he said when the conversations were revealed, but the whole incident was a bit shady.

The McCarthy/ Chaney Interaction and McCarthy Scrambling Afterwards

So, is Kevin McCarthy a RINO? The true answer is yet to be discovered. He certainly is a skilled fundraiser for the republican party and that alone is a reason that his fellow republicans want him in the leadership.

We will have to watch him closely and see how he moves the congress forward especially in regard to spending, immigration, social changes and how the scandals of Biden administration get investigated.

The patriots are watching Kevin. Don’t disappoint us.