Hypocrite Biden and White Supremacy

Published: May 22, 2023

Hypocrite Joe Biden lashes out at the never dying boogeyman, White Supremacy, while delivering a commencement at the HBC, Howard University. It seems that the biggest issue on the minds of democrats these days is “White Supremacy.” However, when was the last time anyone saw a hysterical media reporting on a Ku Klux Klan rally? Maybe a KKK parade float? While there may be a secret or small gathering in some desolate location the facts are that this is predominately a media phantom in these modern times. The last big media panics (Jussie Smollett & Bubba Wallace incidents come to mind) were complete hoaxes.

In addition to this reality, haven’t the democrats set the standard that there is no redemption for any racist conduct in a person’s past? Aren’t we conditioned to believe any and all allegations of any past “isms” must be completely investigated and considered true until the accused proves himself innocent? What happens when there is solid proof of racism?

The standard set by the democrats is that there may NEVER be an exoneration….

unless it applies to them.

The video shows Biden trying to add further division in America, as he laments White Supremacy today. However, a few years ago, Biden gave the eulogy for Senator Robert C. Byrd, who REALLY was a White Supremacist.

Byrd’s KKK Background

Before becoming a US senator, Byrd founded a KKK chapter in West Virginia and recruited a minimum of 150 members. Eventually, Byrd rose in leadership to the rank of Exalted Cyclops (whatever that means) sometime when he was in his late 20’s or early 30’s. His membership was a secret until his senatorial rival outed him. Despite this White Supremacy association, Byrd was elected to congress in 1952 and served in the senate until 2010.

KKK Display – Library of Congress
Senator Robert C, Byrd 1950’s

As a democrat senator from West Virginia, Byrd opposed the integration of the US military and led a record long filibuster in the 1960s to prevent the Civil Rights Act from passing. Byrd also voted against appointing the first black justice to the supreme court, Thurgood Marshall. Byrd mentored many democrats who became senators, including Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who was elected from Delaware in 1972.

It is a layman’s understanding that KKK members take a membership oath for life. Byrd would have done this as well. He was a proud member of the KKK, even corresponding with the head of that organization, the Imperial Wizard, in 1946. However, as the civil rights movement took hold, Byrd began distancing himself from the KKK. Eventually, as the KKK became an undesirable pariah, Byrd decided that his membership was all a big mistake. His narrative became that he quit after losing interest. Apparently, joining the most notorious White Supremacy group in the USA was just a midlife crisis. That whole KKK thing was just a phase. Just move on. Sorry.

Democrats Joe Biden and his mentor Sen. Byrd

Fa-GAta-bowt this White Supremacy

In typical fashion, this horrific “mistake” is excused and ignored since it was committed by a democrat. Subsequently, the fact that Biden was mentored by this advocate of White Supremacy MUST also just be ignored. As Biden now spews his democrat propaganda, despite his White Supremacist coach Robert Byrd, it should be noted that Biden never mentioned Byrd’s KKK affiliation when he gave the 4275 word eulogy at Byrd’s funeral.

In summary, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is a hypocrite.