The Cori Bush Tips and Clues for Sexual Predators

Published: June 24, 2023

US House of Representative member Cori Anika Bush, the democrat that represents Missouri’s 1st Congressional District (St. Louis), would definitely be a front runner in our fanciful yearly award for the dumbest member of congress. She could certainly give Rep. Hank Johnson a run for the award! Although Rep. Bush has moved forward to new subjects like awarding reparations to celebrate Juneteenth and her blatant hatred for the MAGA movement, it’s her Cori Bush tips and clues for sexual predators that this post addresses. This gem comes from her speech on the congressional floor, presented on November 2, 2021.


Summary of Brilliance

Let’s review….

1. Don’t put drugs in someone’s drink.

2. If you can’t stop yourself from being a scumbag rapist, make a friend with some human decency and bring him along everywhere you go.

3. Don’t rape people that are not awake.

4. If you see a potential target, just leave them alone.

5. If you are a parasitic savage, piece of sh*t rapist, wear a sign or get a tee shirt that admits what you are.

6. Finally, if you just can’t help yourself, and none of the above strategies are enough, then carry a whistle. Blow that whistle as hard as you can right before you feel the need to attack someone with your disgusting warty rape tool. Blow, blow, blow!

We sincerely hope that these Cori Bush tips and clues for sexual predators was helpful, but we doubt that they will be adopted by the morally depraved, unprincipled, wicked, criminal human trash that Cori makes her appeal to. Plucking these vermin off of the street, lifelong incarceration, castration or better yet – capital punishment would be our suggestions.

Unfortunately, suggesting that may just eliminate too many voters.

Rep Bush and Poster on the House floor 11/2/21

Another Contender for Dumbest Member of Congress!