by RWA | Aug 29, 2023 | Covid Pandemic or Scamdemic, Warning Signs for the Future
Suddenly there is a new scary Covid, so it is safe to assume that lock downs are coming back as well. Up until 2019, the return to the school year and the fall weather season included new cases of the cold and flu. The common cold and influenza (both coronaviruses)...
by RWA | Jul 10, 2023 | Warning Signs for the Future
The United States Border is wide open and Malaria has arrived. Get your bug spray ready. In the last week of June 2023, the United States Centers for Disease Control issued a Laboratory Advisory – warning of local malaria cases. These “local Cases”...
by RWA | Jun 26, 2023 | Politically Correct Stupidity, Warning Signs for the Future
Groomer clown on bike at NYC Pride parade 2023. Girl Scouts represented at NYC Pride parade 2023. The message is clear They’re Coming for Your Children In July 2021, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a song titled A Message From the Gay Community. We made a...
by RWA | Jun 24, 2023 | Fools & Their Words, National Politicians
US House of Representative member Cori Anika Bush, the democrat that represents Missouri’s 1st Congressional District (St. Louis), would definitely be a front runner in our fanciful yearly award for the dumbest member of congress. She could certainly give Rep. Hank...
by RWA | Jun 16, 2023 | National Politicians
California democrat congressman Adam Schiff California democrat congressman Adam Schiff is a liar based upon the evidence presented in the John Durham Special Counsel report. Official congressional action was proposed to hold Schiff accountable for his dishonesty....