Lock downs are Coming Back!

Published: August 29, 2023

Suddenly there is a new scary Covid, so it is safe to assume that lock downs are coming back as well.

Up until 2019, the return to the school year and the fall weather season included new cases of the cold and flu. The common cold and influenza (both coronaviruses) have suddenly disappeared. Now, it seems that the only virus anyone gets is COVID-19… or at least a new variant.

Just a Coincidence or a plan?

As August 2023 began the mainstream media began clutching their pearls over a new Covid variant. Despite the fact that different media outlets couldn’t even agree on a name (Fox called it BA.2.86 while CNBC called it EG.5) they still agreed to sell the narrative that this virus is super dangerous!

Predictably, the fascist elites among us determined that we must start masking up! Actors and Hollywood took the lead, of course.

Actress Jamie Lee Curtis.

And like dumb sheep, the masking spread to the authoritarian college administrators. Some students are displeased, but that doesn’t matter.

It Seems like a Plan

Meanwhile, whistle-blowers from the Transportation Security Administration and the US Customs and Border Protection Agency went to Alex Jones, of InfoWars, and said that there was an executive plan in place to bring back forced masking and lock downs. InfoWars broke the story on August 18, 2023.

Of course, the fact checkers denied this allegation, but a few days later, just like clockwork, Biden declared that his administration has requested additional funds for…A NEW VACCINE!

No Deaths. No Data. Just fear mongering.

The tyranny of the democrats, big pharma and the big bureaucracy…part 2.

Lock downs are Coming Back!