They’re Coming for Your Children

Published: June 26, 2023
Groomer clown on bike at NYC Pride parade 2023.
Girl Scouts represented at NYC Pride parade 2023.

The message is clear

They’re Coming for Your Children

In July 2021, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a song titled A Message From the Gay Community. We made a post on this that included an additional link identifying several members of that group as convicted sexual offenders. The main message of that song was that the community is targeting children to become gay and sexualized.

Fast forward to the New York City 2023 Pride Parade. As the “community” marched and chanted, they restated their goal.

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children. We’re here, we’re queer, we’re not going shopping.”

Shopping? For what?


The message is clear, AGAIN.

We wonder how many of these participants are teachers.