Chelsea Clinton wants to Vaccinate the Children

Published: May 14, 2023

Look what crawled out of its Manhattan hole! It’s Chelsea Clinton, who wants to vaccinate the children of America with the unproven, potentially deadly, mRNA technology. Chelsea (aka Mrs. Marc Mezvinsky) and her fellow medical tyrants will do it whether you like it or not – because THEY know better than YOU, the parent.

The Clinton Global Initiative is partnering with the World Health Organization and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to launch the Big Catch-Up Initiative.

Once you understand that these elites know what is best for YOU, then things will get better. As Orwell said, “Slavery is Freedom!”

Watch the fruit of Hillary’s pudenda explain it to you in her own words.

So, there you go. The Slippery Slope Fallacy has been set up based purely on emotion and without facts.

If THEY don’t get to vaccinate YOUR kids as THEY choose, then people will die from polio, measles and pneumonia. Period.