Do Masks Prevent Covid? No.

Published: April 23, 2023

The big question: Do masks prevent Covid transmission?
The answer: Scientific research repeatedly says, No.

This article is being written in April of 2023. If you are still wearing a mask because you are “trusting the science” or because you are trying to “stop the spread” you are misinformed. Since mid 2020, the public has been convinced that wearing a surgical mask or that wearing a cloth covering over your face would prevent the transmission of Covid-19. The painful truth is that there is no evidence to support this action.

The public was convinced of this mask wearing fallacy based purely upon emotional appeals, expert conjecture and executive orders issued based upon fiat. Scientific studies conducted prior to the “Covid pandemic” showed that wearing a surgical mask or cloth face covering was ineffective in the prevention of spreading any virus.

The public fell for this ruse rather than take the initiative and simply do their own research. Had “We the People” simply researched some easily accessible scientific sources, they could have found the truth. However, the people chose to line up like sheep and accepted the government and media narrative.

As pointed out in a previous LOT article, early in 2020 the Centers for Disease Control, suddenly and without explanation, changed the way that Covid deaths were to be counted. On of March 24, 2020, the CDC declared that if you died WITH the Covid virus in your system then you would be counted as dying FROM the Covid virus. This preposterous method of determining viral lethality had never been done before.

To illustrate the absurdity of this change in death measurement, if an individual drove to a test facility, tested positive for the virus, and that person was killed in a car crash on their trip home, then that individual’s death would be reported and counted by the CDC as a COVID death.

None of the mainstream news media outlet (CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN or even FOX) questioned this ridiculous change. Around that time, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the president’s top health advisor (and highest paid US bureaucrat) publicly stated that he didn’t believe masks were effective. President Trump agreed with Fauci. Almost immediately after that, the media went into full mask hysteria. Arguably, this was partially done in opposition to President Trump since no new data had been presented to the media jackals.

Suddenly, this novel Covid virus was determined to be so dangerous that we all needed to be mandated to wear a mask. Thereby making everyone a subject of Government rather than individuals responsible enough to make their own health choices for themselves and their families based upon scientific facts. The lack of media questioning the CDC death count change helped usher in public masking.

No solid evidence was presented to support mask mandates. None. Fauci, always the media darling, suddenly changed his opinion and aligned with the media/government narrative. Unelected Fauci declared that masks needed to be mandated. This reversal had to be obeyed, because Fauci was the medical expert, PERIOD. Just like the 6 foot distance rule mandate, no facts were presented in this supreme command. Just expert declaration and emotional appeals by the absolute rulers.

If an individual publicly questioned the mask mandates, or the effectiveness of masking, groupthink was encouraged. That person in doubt was to be ridiculed, silenced, labeled a “denier” and in many cases “cancelled” within their social media. The media sent the message that “those people” were to be expelled from the conversation.


Previous historical experience with masking was ignored. Masks, known as “flu fences” and “chin sails” were not useful in the 1918 influenza pandemic.

In 2016, Oral Health magazine Dr. John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, studied and published his findings on the ineffectiveness of masks

Other Pre-Corona virus studies indicated that mask wearing was bad for healthy people. In an alarming 2015 study from the University of New South Wales, researchers determined that “The widespread use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral infections and their global use should be discouraged.”

On April 1, 2020, Dr. Lisa Brosseau and Dr. Margaret Sietsma, of the University Of Minnesota’s Centers for Infectious Disease and Reasearch Policy, looked over the evidence related to the effectiveness of cloth masks and found that mandatory masking is not based upon sound data.

Clearly, mask mandates were not effective against a virus.

On the other hand, scientific research has shown that masking serves a political purpose. Masking was scientifically found to be effective at psychology presenting a message.

One 2016 study even showed that the purpose of wearing the mask will “COMMUNICATE RISK.” Dr. Shane Nelson published this in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Undeniably, many people died during the Covid 19 outbreak. However, there is no evidence that any deaths were prevented by any mask mandates. The mask mandates and the masking were used to propagate panic and hysteria that was used for political purposes.

In conclusion, one must go back to the original question, “do masks prevent Covid?” The evidence says, “NO.”

The evidence conceives a different question.

Why did the government/medical complex force the public to undertake mass masking?

In this author’s summation of the evidence, the masking served the purpose of increasing government oppression and suspending the Constitutional liberties of American citizens. Additionally, the masking aided in the cancellation of opinion against executive orders, bureaucratic/administrative overreach, mail in voting, additional unreasonable taxation and nefarious unethical public submission to mass injections of an untested medical product.

After reading this article, any individual that still chooses public masking, to prevent the spread of Covid, is making the conscious choice of remaining a useful idiot for the administrative state.