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Holding the Powerful Accountable

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Remember What “They” Say, Remember what “They” do. 

Archives & References

National Politicians

Quotes, Ideas, Positions and Miscellaneous Missteps of the Ruling Class that should not be Forgotten.

Covid Pandemic or "Scam" demic

Research and References that are being ignored. Studies and hypothesis explored and gathered here.

Real Threats/Domestic Violent Extremeists

Crime, Invasion and Insurrection. Things that cause sleepless nights. What we should watch out for. Present Dangers.

Warning Signs for the Future

Signs, Happenings & Circumstances that may be predicting some tough times on our horizon.

The Chicago Clownshow

Watch a once Great City descend into Anarchy thanks to Incompetent Leadership and Political Hacks.

Politically Correct Stupidity

Legislation, Ideas, Quotes, etc. based upon Feelings while usually disregarding Facts and the Truths.

Fools & Their Words

Statements and Opinions held or made by Idiots and Ignoramuses of the Ruling Class

Quotes Worth Knowing

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

– John Adams

(Founding Father, Statesman & Second President of the United States)

“Our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”

– James Madison

(Founding Father, Fourth President of the United States)

“I do believe the black man in America, and any human being anywhere is well within his right to do whatever is necessary, by any means neccessary to protect his life and property especially in a country where the federal government itself has proven that it is either unable or unwilling to protect the lives and property of those human beings.”

– Malcom X – Front Page Challenge; CBS 1965

(American Civil Rights Activist – Black Nationalist)

Arm yourself with knowledge beyond the talking points and hold these scoundrels and clowns accountable. Never forget what they do.

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